Green Mountain Water District
Consumption-based rates Water Charge - covers cost of water sold, 12.5% of employee salary, taxes and benefits, and infrastructure
improvements. Sewer Charge - covers cost of treatment, cost of flow, 12.5% of employee salary, taxes and benefits,
and infrastructure improvements.
Fixed rates Service fee - covers 75% of employee salary, taxes and benefits, office and grounds, utilities, contractors, and other
operating expenses.
GMWSD Capital Planning Roughly 55% of both water and sewer pipe in the District is over 40 years old, with some even going as far back as 1948. The industry standard then was cast iron pipe for water and vitrified clay for sewer. Less stringent installation methods used during that time period make those materials more susceptible to damage. Additionally, most of our district contains swelling
and/or corrosive soils, further shortening pipe life spans. GMWSD is not planning to replace pipes before necessary, but projects anticipated in the next ten years could total approximately $80M. It is necessary to start financial planning to
avoid bonds or mill levies. Developers will pay for new capacity projects, but current
residents will have to pay for age and maintenance projects.
Planned projects are listed in the 2023 budget.