Welcome to the new Lakewood Opinions web site. There are many new futures and more to come. Be part of the great Lakewood, Colorado and voice your Opinions.
Welcome to Lakewood Opinions, LLC. This website is designed and to be run by the people of Lakewood, Colorado to voice their Issues and Opinions on living in our great city and how we can all help it grow. This website is open to all individuals and businesses who want to voice their citywide interest or opinions of their particular ward. Here are some example of discussions you could have:
1. Some transportation needs to be improved to reduce traffic and reduce commute times. 2. More affordable housing options should be made available to accommodate the increasing population in the city. 3. Better infrastructure is needed to provide safer roads, sidewalks and public spaces. 4. Investing in parks and green spaces would help create better quality of life for city residents. 5. The city needs more job opportunities to reduce unemployment and poverty. 6. Laws need to be enforced to help reduce crime and increase safety. 7. The city should invest in renewable energy sources to reduce air pollution. 8. More educational opportunities and facilities should be provided for all citizens. 9. The city should strive for greater cultural inclusion and acceptance. 10. City officials should be held accountable for their actions to ensure transparency and effective governance. The choice is yours.
There are lot of options to get involved such as: Calendar of events, Issues input, Opinion Input, Polls, Surveys, Social Network, Podcasts, Media Center and more. Here is your chance to be part of the discussion. Please read our terms of use and our content policy for more information. If you wish to be a Board Member, please contact us at info@lakewoodopinions.com
Lakewood Opinions, LLC
We fact check everything and please keep the profanity to a minimum. All items are subject to removal if not following the content policy. We do not sell any information.
Lakewood Options, LLC is open to all Citizens of Lakewood , Colorado 18 years and older and we do not discriminate base on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age (18 years or older), disability, marital status, or political affiliation. NOTE: Please be aware not all Opinions are posted on this web site due to space. All posts must be approved by our Citizens Board before being posted. Some Posts, Opinions, Polls or Events may have a time restrictions and may be taken down as needed. Please follow our Privacy Policy, Terms of Use and Content Policy for more information. If you have questions please use ourcontact section and we will get back to you as soon as possible. All information provided is for internal use only and we do not sell any information of exchange information with other groups. All information belongs to you the individual user.